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Charts - Changing labels format

Just a quick one. I had a requirement to change a Pie Chart from showing the sum of money to showing % split and money. To do this you have edit the XML of the chart. I find the best way to get a chart just so is to create it first as a personal chart, then export and import it into the solution (a special option just for charts). You can also use this same feature to edit the XML.

Editing the XML

You will need to download the chart and edit the XML e.g. Notepad

Step 1 - Turn off default label. IsValueShownAsLabel="False"

Step 2 - Add Label="#PERCENT - GBP #VAL"

The reason for GBP vs. £ symbol is a bug in Dynamics (8.2) where £ sign doesn’t display as it seems unable find the unicode character (I was testing in Chrome)


<Series ShadowOffset="0" IsValueShownAsLabel="False" Label="#PERCENT - GBP #VAL" Font="{0}, 9.5px" LabelForeColor="59, 59, 59" CustomProperties="PieLabelStyle=Inside, PieDrawingStyle=Default" ChartType="pie">

<SmartLabelStyle Enabled="True" />



Full XML extract below.

End Result

Full XML File after edit

<visualization> <visualizationid>{DCBBA491-9E7E-E811-8119-0050563013E7}</visualizationid> <name>Win Value</name> <primaryentitytypecode>opportunity</primaryentitytypecode> <datadescription> <datadefinition> <fetchcollection> <fetch mapping="logical" aggregate="true"> <entity name="opportunity"> <attribute name="bae_opportunitystatusid" groupby="true" alias="_CRMAutoGen_groupby_column_Num_0" /> <attribute name="bae_totalestimatevalue" aggregate="sum" alias="_CRMAutoGen_aggregate_column_Num_0" /> </entity> </fetch> </fetchcollection> <categorycollection> <category alias="_CRMAutoGen_groupby_column_Num_0"> <measurecollection> <measure alias="_CRMAutoGen_aggregate_column_Num_0" /> </measurecollection> </category> </categorycollection> </datadefinition> </datadescription> <presentationdescription> <Chart Palette="None" PaletteCustomColors="91,151,213; 237,125,49; 160,116,166; 255,192,0; 68,114,196; 112,173,71; 37,94,145; 158,72,14; 117,55,125; 153,115,0; 38,68,120; 67,104,43; 124,175,221; 241,151,90; 186,144,192; 255,205,51; 105,142,208; 140,193,104; 50,125,194; 210,96,18; 150,83,159; 204,154,0; 51,90,161; 90,138,57;"> <Series> <Series ShadowOffset="0" IsValueShownAsLabel="False" Label="#PERCENT - GBP #VAL" Font="{0}, 9.5px" LabelForeColor="59, 59, 59" CustomProperties="PieLabelStyle=Inside, PieDrawingStyle=Default" ChartType="pie"> <SmartLabelStyle Enabled="True" /> </Series> </Series> <ChartAreas> <ChartArea> <Area3DStyle Enable3D="false" /> </ChartArea> </ChartAreas> <Legends> <Legend Alignment="Center" LegendStyle="Table" Docking="right" IsEquallySpacedItems="True" Font="{0}, 11px" ShadowColor="0, 0, 0, 0" ForeColor="59, 59, 59" /> </Legends> <Titles> <Title Alignment="TopLeft" DockingOffset="-3" Font="{0}, 13px" ForeColor="0, 0, 0" /> </Titles> </Chart> </presentationdescription> <isdefault>false</isdefault> </visualization>

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